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This Church is such a gem in the city of Zürich but somehow its mostly missed by people unlike the Grossmünster, Fraumünster and the St. Peter's. This Church doesn't go back so long like these other churches, it was built in the end of the 19th century (1893) as a Catholic Church. It was built by the Architect August Hardegger who was born in the middle of the 19th century (1853) in Luzern. He has designed many Churches and Liebfrauenkirche is one of them.

As its a Catholic Church you can see some its a bit dressy. You can see some Mosaic works inside, some beautiful paintings and the nape of the Church is also very beautiful. When I happen to visit it there were people playing the organ and other instruments as well. And by looking at the pictures you can say on a bright blue sunny day like this, its worth a visit.

I love the beige-cremish stone and the green trees in the front of the Church gives a great contrast and if the sky is blue! you dont need more.

It's about 10-12 minutes walk from the main train station, its very closely located to Central and its close to the University and the ETH too. You can either walk or you could take any tram from Central like #6 and #10

How to reach the Liebfrauenkirche


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